10 Tips To Make Your 9 Foot Artificial Christmas Trees Look Fuller
Get the Right Branch Density for Your 9 Foot Artificial Christmas Trees
When you picture the end result of your 9 foot artificial Christmas trees, what do you envision? Most people envision a tree that is full, has a ton of light coming from it and is the focal point of the entire room. After all, the 9 foot artificial Christmas trees that you put up into the room do demand attention, so it makes sense that they would be the main attraction of your Christmas decor. However, how do you make your 9 foot artificial Christmas trees look full? While many of these are naturally full, there are those that are not, and these tips are for you!
Fluff and Separate the Branches of Your 9 Foot Artificial Christmas Trees
1. Make sure that you take the time to fluff the branches of your 9 foot artificial Christmas trees. If you do not fluff and organize the branches, then you will never find the tree looks as full as it could look.
2. Ribbon is going to be your best friend!Ribbon is a great way to add more fullness to the tree as you can put this throughout the branches to make it fill those empty spots, and the color can add the idea of a more full tree.
3. Flocked trees with the snow on the tips of the branches are always going to look a little fuller since they have more items on the branches. Plus, many people find that flocked trees are a bit more forgiving when it comes to the decor mistakes you may make.
4. Use ornaments that are reflective as this helps the tree to appear more full and larger than what it really is.
5. Make sure that you use the right number of lights on the 9 foot artificial Christmas trees that you are putting up.Put the lights far back into the tree and work your way out to add more depth to the tree.
6. Add some foliage to the tree like flowers and even garland that matches the tree to make the tree appear even more full.
7. Make sure that you choose a theme as when ou do this, when everything matches the theme it can make the tree look more full rather than what happens when you just hang up a mismatched assortment of items onto your tree.
8. Garland is going to be a great way to make the tree appear larger. Many people use garland in addition to the ribbon to create a unique look that is going to help the tree look larger than life.
9. Make sure to go with different sized ornaments to help the tree appear larger and fuller. Many people make the mistake of using the same size ornaments throughout which does not add any definition to the tree.
10. Go high and low with all your decor. Do not make the mistake of starting to decorate at the bottom and then find you have run out of ornaments when you hit the top of your tree. If you start running low, you simply need to get more ornaments to finish the job.